Dealing with Procrastination

So currently, I am at the end of the semester. Meaning, exams, finals, essays, projects, presentations etc. Half the time I am struggling from procrastination. I get so overwhelmed that I end up not doing anything because I have no idea how to deal with procrastination. Now. It has taken me a lot of time….

Alice in Wonderland Syndrome

2020 has given me a new goal for this website. While I am trying to share my experience on what happens in my life. I will also try and bring awareness to other diseases, illness, injuries etc. The more aware we can be of the diverse out in the world. The more we can be…

Two weeks of Insomnia

These past two weeks, since I have been off of work. I have thrown my entire body off schedule. I never realized how important my schedule was until these last two weeks off. I used to be in bed by 9pm every night and asleep almost right away. Also woke up early and followed a…

November 23rd, 2019 Competition

Competition Number 5 was on November 23rd, 2019. This time my (dance) coach and I headed out to the middle of nowhere to get a second opinion. It was in Farnham. So legit an arena in the middle of the bush. Now, this week. I have been having severe pain with my knees. While I…

Invitation #4

November 15th 2019. I am a little late with this one. It has been a crazy few weeks.  But Invitation #4 happened. So basically I worked from 6-2 that day. And then I went to the arena and had a dance lesson with my coach. During the lesson, we were not sure if my other…

2019-2020 Season

  October 11th was my first competition of the 2019-2020 season. Also my 21st figure skating season. Now. Before I tell you everything that happened. You need to read my posts about my spine health to catch up *if you have not already done it*. Basically the results from my car accident were; 5 herniated…

Spine Recovery Update

So it has been a while since I did an update on my spine. It has been a LONG and DIFFICULT road to recovery and while I am getting closer I am still far away. I still get severe pain that jolts through my spine. It is worse when I am standing up, when I…

Back in Action

I got a new computer. I will go see if my mac can be fixed. However, it seems to be a problem with the keyboard getting wet. And I believe that happened when I did a post at the beach. But I have a good alternative and it will at least get me through this…

Avoiding Burnout

06/23/2019~ I am on the verge of burning out. I don’t know if it is because of my adrenal glands malfunctioning once again. Or if I am just overworking myself. The main Burnout symptoms are; Anxiety Headaches Lack of sleep Fatigue An increasingly cynical outlook on life and work If anyone read my previous post…

Shaky Mental Health

***WARNING: SENSITIVE CONTENT/IMAGES. VIEW WITH CAUTION. 11/06/2019-Ongoing These past two or so weeks have been tough. And honestly, I have no idea why. I am thinking either I am just extremely exhausted (Working 40 hours a week, school ending etc). Another thing is, I haven’t skated in over a week because of the injection procedure. So…

Calming Down Under Stress

So lately, I have been under a shit load of stress. It’s gotten to a point I have no idea how to handle all the stress. And now, while I am still learning about it myself I will try and use what I am finding that works and doesn’t work with all of you guys….


06/17/19 – As you know, I saw an allergist today. For a follow-up on that appointment you can click here.  But summary, I was diagnosed with Chronic Urticaria. So what is Chronic Urticaria? When your skin breaks out in hives (red/bumpy/patchy skin). There is no real known cause. Some say it could be an allergic…